The Wafers Fioc
Wafer Fioc with alfalfa, is a complete feed for horses that are obtained using excellent quality forage with the particularity of being long fibre (cm 15/20), mixed with fluffed cereals and vegetables.
The whole is undergoing a new press procedure and it makes a cookie about 4×4 cm. It is a compact product and at the same time friable and desirable. Thanks to modern production technology, the structure of the long fiber remains unaltered.
Adding fluffed cereals makes it very digestive and healthy for the digestive system of equine.
The long fiber improves the intestinal transit and allows prolonged mastication and salivation during ingestion. Steam cooking of cereals and their successive lamination, preserve intact fibres, fragrance and the very high biological value of ingredients.
Thermofloconnage works on the organoleptic, chemical and physical characteristics of the cereal, by promoting an increase in the digestibility and appetibility of the ingredients, their complete sterilization and the elimination of anti-nutritional factors.
It also allows the process of starch gelatinization, i.e. its transformation into less complex dextrine and sugars and the successive loss of the crystalline structure, to improve the digestibility of foods.

Steam-capped foods
Cereals and legumes carefully selected, treated with a process of transformation that allows to obtain foods of high nutritional value, more appetizing, digestible and assimilable.
The thermo making of flakes offers several advantages, such as increasing appetibility and digestibility of foods, their complete sterilization and the elimination of nutrients.
The use of flaky food also improves the feeling of satiety and optimal use of low-value organic foods.